Tuesday, February 26, 2013

I'm Mormon, I know it, I live it, I LOVE it

I have been thinking about this post for awhile now (it's been a long time since my last post). This is a very special topic for me, and I want to say it the right way.

I became a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints when I was 8 years old, my dad baptized me in Cedaredge, CO near my grandparents home. Even back then I loved this church, but I didn't have the best knowledge of it myself. I know a lot more now, and I love it even more. I know that there is a God, who is my Heavenly Father and he has a big hand in my life.

There are a few reasons why I love my religion, and know that the doctrines and teachings are true:

1.) The first thing that always comes to my mind is the doctrine of the Plan of Salvation. I won't go into it too much, I am not the best to ask about it, but I have a knowledge of the love that is shown through it. Our Heavenly Father is the father of our spirits, we were with Him before this earthly life, and He is who we will return to. He has given us our agency to let us go through this life and learn. He has His hand in all of our lives, and He loves everyone of His children. As children of God, we all have divine qualities and potentials to become just like our Father. After we die, it is not over, we simply go back to heaven to be with our Father and our family. We can be with our families forever- "whatsoever ye bind on earth shall be bound in heaven" (Matt 16:19)- this is probably the thing that is most important to me. I love my family, and I cannot imagine an eternal life without them, it wouldn't be heaven without them. It is a loving Father that understands that and has made it possible for us to never have to be without our family. Another name for this plan is the Plan of Happiness, and that is the state we can be in forever, a state of everlasting Happiness.

2.) I love the morals that the church teaches, and that they expect you to live up to it. Some think that they are restrictions and hurt our lives in some way. They can think that if it makes them happy, but they really make me happier. I know, how could I know that if I have always lived them, right? Because my life is so full, and there are so many blessings I have from the way that I live. I have a respect for myself and my body that I don't know I would have if I didn't have my values. Satan is trying to tear down our world, and weigh it down with sins. I am not judging anyone, because I am by no means perfect, but just because I am not perfect doesn't mean that there isn't a moral standard that we should be held up to. Jesus Christ was perfect he never sinned or even had a bad thought, and that is the one who made it possible for me to repent, and be washed clean of my sins. He is the one that I answer to and I have made a covenant to keep his commandments, and follow him. In the end, he will be the one to judge us of our works, but he also loves each of us perfectly. Part of taking all of our sins was him feeling all of them, and that includes our sorrows and pains as well as our sins. There is no one who knows what we have been through more than he does, and I am so grateful for his love in my life. This is why I keep my standards high, because the ultimate bar has been set and I have to try and measure up, even though it is impossible.

3.) We have living prophets. President Thomas S. Monson is the prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints today, and he is Heavenly Father's mouthpiece. God has always called prophets, and we are no less His children than those back in Moses' time, and He loves us just as much as He loves them. To me that is why it really makes sense that there are still prophets, but I have also had a testimony born to me from the Holy Spirit (John 15:26).

There are so many more reasons, and things that I know are true. I love my religion, and I believe that it is the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. I love my life that I have been blessed with and all of my wonderful blessings. It is the "good news" for our day!

Have a Wonderful day! 

Quick Disclaimer: I am in no ways a spokesperson for the church, and these are my personal thoughts, feelings and interpretations of the doctrine, and I may have said something wrong, but it cannot be used against the church. I am just in college. :)