Thursday, December 20, 2012

The End of the World

So apparently the world has ended. I'm really confused how I can still be writing this, but since I have started I might as well finish, right?

How do things like this get to the point that people believe? Is it like inception where they become implanted into the deepest realm of our dreams? It has never ceased to surprise me. Anyways, want to know how I spent my last few days? This is of course rhetorical. You can either read it or not, either way it is being written.

I went into a room and there were people there that I knew, but they didn't really look like themselves, at all. But I knew it was them. A dangerous person was on the lose and we were deciding what to do. After looking around we found that it was really a bear, and it became my friend. Some people that were bad tried to take it away, but I stuck up for my friend. Then it turned out to be a very rare and beautiful flower that helped the whole forest grow better (did I mention we went to the forest?). The bad guys (that I didn't recognize) were looking to pull the flower up, and I tried to stop them. In the middle of chasing them around I remembered that I could fly. So I think I caught them. Oh, wait, that was my dream last night. Hmm, that's weird, it all seemed pretty real to me.

I was able to spend some quality time with my family, which was fantastic! I love the holiday season when I get to see a lot of my family, and just be reminded about how amazing they all are! I am so glad that I have them. We went to the rec center and rock climbed and worked out, we were there about 3 hours. It was great to work out again! My sister had a band concert, and we went to listen to her play. Let me just say, she did awesome! First chair flutist, and she did an amazing job, it was so fun to watch. Even my niece (4 months old) loved it, although she jumped whenever the music started too loud. What a sweet little girl, it has been awesome getting to spend time with her and my brother and sister-in-law, cause they are also phenomenal.

We took family pictures today, first pictures with my shiny white teeth, so that was SUPER exciting. I can't wait for more fun things coming up! Hope you are all having a wonderful holiday season!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Trying new things

I have never written a blog before, so this should be interesting, and I am hoping that it will be fun!

I just got my teeth whitened today, and decided that new things are fun, and exciting sometimes. In my case it was a new way (or fairly new way) to whiten teeth. The procedure is called ICON teeth whitening. It's a simple 2 step process that takes about an hour or so for the dentist. They first use micro abrasion to take out the intrinsic stains. Micro abrasion is a kind of paste that grinds down the tooth. I think that it has bits of diamonds in the paste, but they use a polishing tool to apply it and then a little bit rougher tool as well. Then in the second step is where ICON really changes it, they add a gel that looks green and I think that colors the open pores in the teeth. They rinse this gel off and cover the teeth in a clear gel, and dry it with one of those lights that are blue. Obviously I am not an expert, and I am merely describing it from my perspective which was from the patients chair. In any case, I am really very happy with it, and it is supposed to not need to be redone. I've had fluoride stains on my teeth practically my whole life, and let me just say it is a HUGE relief to have it finally gone. This isn't the first thing I have tried either, but I am hopeful that it will be one of the last. I have tried the whitening strips, paste, and most recently using a gel peroxide in teeth trays. The last worked well enough after having it on my teeth everyday for an hour, for a few weeks, but it isn't permanent. I really am very happy with my teeth (you know something is wrong if you aren't happy with it the very first day though). The worst part was having my mouth open for a whole hour almost, and sometimes I could feel some stinging in the micro abrasion step, but really this was a very nice experience.

Anyways, I am in such a great mood that I wanted to find a way to tell others about it. Starting a blog has been on my mind as well, and it was a great way to achieve both!